What's On Tap, Pt. 1 
Sunday, January 30, 2011 at 11:31PM

David Hobby here, AKA the "morning guy" on The Flash Bus.

Some folks have asked for a little more "specificity" about the day. And after looking that word up, I think I can answer! Well, at least for my time slot.

I'll be teaching lighting and light design from a full manual perspective. Meaning, you control everything. Because everyone should know how to drive stick.

We'll be in F/stop and shutter speed mode, too. So you should know what those things are. And if you look like you don't, I just may quiz you. Also, we won't be thinking in terms of cookie-cutter recipes. They tend to fall apart in the real world, where everything is relative and nothing is absolute.

So "relative" is the route we'll be taking. Solve one variable. Get one thing nailed down. Then build on that one step at a time.

Being as though we are working in manual, the morning will be very transportable to whatever brand of gear you use. True, I am a Nikon® shooter, but the physics of manual control work for all. So no brand "specificity" (fresh vocabulary FTW!) is required. That said, I guzzle Diet Mountain Dew®, eat at Chipotle® and live in R.E.I.® cargo shorts. And this post is being typed on a Mac®.

Seriously, everything in the morning (and much of the theory the afternoon) will be very transportable, regardless of your brand of camera or lights. But please understand that this stuff will only work if you use Manfrotto® light stands.

Kidding! Gravity is brand agnostic!

But speaking of brands, Adorama and our sponsors do have some things in store to amp things up a little. More on that front soon enough.

Some of you have asked what kind of photography we'll be centering on. As far as photographic subject matter, we will not be teaching any one specific genre other than to say that Joe and I are basically people shooters. So don't expect a day on how to shoot car brochures or Architectural Digest spreads.

And as for my segment specifically, I'll spend the first 30 mins or so hitting the basics so we don't leave anyone behind. (And/or to allow some of you to fully wake up. Including me, not being, technically a "morning person".)

But by 10:30 I expect to be (mostly) awake and theoretically capable of forming complex thoughts. So who knows how far we might get before lunch time.

Mmmmm… lunch time…

Article originally appeared on Flash Bus Tour '11 (http://theflashbus.com/).
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